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High quality digital inkjet print on French Paper Co's beautiful recycled Speckletone paper. 9.5" x 12.5". Ships flat, in plastic sleeve, between paper and cardboard.Select "prints shipping" from dropdown menu at checkout. Thank you!


Original is watercolor, pencil and pen on paper.  February 2020.


⁣I hope the natural burial movement keeps gaining momentum.   I hope we humans remember what meaning and generosity there is in this final gift of our flesh to the animate earth.  I hope mycelium and microorganisms and compost get their due respect and play more of a part in the process of our dying.  I hope the prohibitive laws against simple burials decompose.  The cues that this is the way to harmony are all around us.  Look at how everything else on earth dies. ⁣


⁣So strange that we would keep our bodies from the soil, from those who would live longer for the nourishment, even when we ourselves have finished with them.  We have customs of walling ourselves off with concrete, with drawing out the process of our own decay with chemicals.  Who are we saving ourselves for, or from?⁣

Beneath the Grass We Found Belonging (9" x 12" print)


    © 2024 by Jacqueline Maloney

    P.O. Box 534

    Micaville, NC



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